Sunday, August 30, 2009
Best Friend
In the stoty this week we see where a best friend puts his life on the line to save his friend. Just happenes that the best friend is a dog. Have you ever had a best friend that wasn't a person? What can you do and say around him that you can't around your people friends?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
summer blues

Ok guys, summer is here but it continues to pour down the rain. I have been in the school 3 days this week and I think I am finished with the new room. Blue and gold everywhere. So much better then white in your face. Next week hubby is on vacation and no big plans so we will be working around here a few days. It just feels good doing house stuff on my time. I hope you all are having fun and doing something to keep you entertained. Let everyone know what's happening with you. Share you fun activities and summer blahs with us. <3>
Monday, April 27, 2009
Lady Liberty
Monday, April 20, 2009

I had the privileged of going into a Mayan village few years ago. I love the people that I visited with and got to know really well. The only barrier was the language. I could not speak Cital and they could not speak English. After a few days it became a game to try to figure out what the other was trying to say. How would you communicate to someone who could not speak your language?
Monday, April 13, 2009
All American
Monday, March 30, 2009
Ancient Greece
Monday, March 23, 2009

I hope you have heard the saying "Chasing Windmills". It means that you are trying to get something that is not really there. This comes from a character who thought the windmills were giants and was afraid to approach them. Have you ever had a time in your life when you were "chasing windmills"? examples: wanting to do something you were too young to do, wanting an expensive item you can't afford, wanting to live with mom or dad and can't pick yet, wanting to be what you aren't...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Riches or Wisdom
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Myths are a way to explain unexplainable situations about nature. Why is the opossum's tail hairless? Why do we have seasons? Why do mosquitoes buzz in peoples ears? Why don't penguins fly? Can you think of any other myths? Come up with a question and then explain why. for example... The opossum had a beautiful bushy tail. But He so very proud of it. He would spend his whole day brushing and grooming his beautiful bushy tail. While he did this all the other animals worked around taking care of gathering food. They had had enough. So, the came to the opossum and asked him to do one thing for them. He reluctantly agreed. They asked him to go to the sun and bring back some heat for them. He took off towards the sun flipping his tail around and showing it off. When he got too close to the sun he flipped his beautiful bushy tail and it caught fire from the flames of the sun. When it caught fire his whole tail fur singed off. And to this day when you see an opossum you will see a bare tail and mostly at night, because he is ashamed of his looks with out his beautiful bushy tail.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009

This week's story is a humorous fiction, with a young boy helping to safe a wedding. Have you ever been to a wedding? What is the funniest thing you have witnessed at a wedding? I went to a wedding a few weeks ago and the pastor asked the groom if he took Tabitha as his husband. Everyone stood looking at each other for the long second before the pastor realized what she had said. Everyone cracked up and then went on with the corrected vows.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Snow Days

I think we will have no more snow after March 1st, and we will have some more snow days. But I am not sure when. I like to sleep in a bit, read the paper slowly, check emails and facebook, then get started into my day. My day is slow and leisurely. Sometimes I even cook dinner, sometimes :) I feel refreshed and ready to come back to school the next day.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jane Goodall gave up her life to help save the chimpanzees. She went in to the jungle after intensive studies and long hours of preparation. Do have anything in your life which you would give up the safety of your home and go where there are no comforts of home? Just to study and save something that doesn't want you around in their area. What kind of benefits do you think she received from going?
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Into the Ice

Ok it is officially winter, and where is our snow? Not everyplace is as blessed as we are and has had feet of snow. Some areas have snow cover for month after month. What would you do to pass time if you lived in a place that had snow, snow and more snow? Oh and don't say play video games, you can't waste the electricity playing games. TeeHee!!!
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