Myths are a way to explain unexplainable situations about nature. Why is the opossum's tail hairless? Why do we have seasons? Why do mosquitoes buzz in peoples ears? Why don't penguins fly? Can you think of any other myths? Come up with a question and then explain why. for example... The opossum had a beautiful bushy tail. But He so very proud of it. He would spend his whole day brushing and grooming his beautiful bushy tail. While he did this all the other animals worked around taking care of gathering food. They had had enough. So, the came to the opossum and asked him to do one thing for them. He reluctantly agreed. They asked him to go to the sun and bring back some heat for them. He took off towards the sun flipping his tail around and showing it off. When he got too close to the sun he flipped his beautiful bushy tail and it caught fire from the flames of the sun. When it caught fire his whole tail fur singed off. And to this day when you see an opossum you will see a bare tail and mostly at night, because he is ashamed of his looks with out his beautiful bushy tail.
Why do deer act suicidal?
Deer are (well they think) very good at the game chicken. When they are born, that is the first thing they are taught. When they get mad at each other, they wait for a car to come, then shove the deer that they are mad at into the street. So, they are not actually suicidal, they are just angry dare devils.
By the way, strange but interesting and imaginative blog.
Why don't penguins fly?
A long time ago, there was an evil wizard that ruled the North Pole.Back then, all of the penguins ahd wings, but since of teenage penguin punks got the wizard mad by breaking his snow globe in which he went to every night, he took away all the wings from the penguins.
That's the reason penguins don't fly . They don't have wings! Plus, they are too fat and they waddle like a duck! :D
Why do adults say that babys come from the hospital?
Babys come from thier mothers womb... idk why people just say that!!!!
its true and they just dont want thier children to know that!!!
how dumb!!??
i do not know why our parents say this they will say if you play with matches you'll pee the bed ???
which if you do play with fire that really wont happen because if you play with it your really just playing with heat and your around heat all the time!
Why is the sun on one side of the earth and not the other at the same time?
Well long ago a evil man lived in this village and one day he was so jealose that he want the sun bird all to his self so he travled up the moutain and capture the bird tied im up and left him there and a nice man went up and tried to untie him but only one wing got free and so now the bird stands high on his moutain sharing each part of the world with light.
my mom and dad always told me that if it is night time and u play with fire that u will pee to bed.
well its not true for me but i tis for my brother well not really because he does m,ost of th etime anyways but hes 6+ years old so its normal.
Parents say,
That boys have coodies.
Just so little girls wont like them
It doesnt matter to me i like them and always have.
They dont have coodies.
I think thats so funny.LOL.
why can`t animals talk?
well long ago there were many talking animals who were super hero`s and when they went to save the world they dressed up in human suites . so they really can still talk when there animals its really just there secret identity.
theres a moster under your bed!
they say that there a moster under there bed and they think that makes them stay in there bed but it doesnt it just scares them so they lose sleep
why not just tell them why you say that so there not scared and i bet that they will stay in bed asleep!
make it resonable for them its really not so fair!
Why do parents say don't go in that room or the Boogeyman will get you.Its so stupid.She mostly says that when shes got presents or bad things in the room,but I go in there any way.
Why is the sun on one part of the earth and not on the other?
I think becuase the other half don't need as much of the sun as we do because we have more people then they do.The evil men stild it from us becuase they dont have any sun at all.
By:Sarah Mundell
Why Can't Animals Talk?
Animals use to talk but one day they had a meeting and said that the river was drying up. So when the river dried up they couldn't drink any water and they lost there voice and now they can't talk.
my mom always says that when some1 is having a baby that their is a bun in the oven wich i never got tht because if u keep something in the oven 2 long it would get burnt and so if the baby is in tere 4 9 months i always thougt tht it would get burnt>>>>>>>
some kids bleave in santa it is a mith from a man that pased coins
"Don't let the bugs bite"
Why do parents say"don't let the bed bugs bite"?
I don't understand!!!
Do they say it so you get scared?
Or do they say it because there is?
I think that if there was bug in your bed then they would have to get another bed!!!I know I don't!!!
Love:Cheyenne S. Sigley/Winker!!
theres a moster under your bed!
they say that there a moster under there bed and they think that makes them stay in there bed but it doesnt it just scares them so they lose sleep
why not just tell them why you say that so there not scared and i bet that they will stay in bed asleep!
make it resonable for them its really not so fair!
why is the sky blue
they looked at the pond and seen the sky and they chaged the color to blue
well in 1970's this boy and his sister fought about everthing and the boy's name is john and the girl's name is sally.but one day the boy got so mad he went in sallys room and sally was at music class so john took sally's dolls and hit them brock them and the dolls came alive and attack him so ever time they fought he did what ever sally said!!
Why do a huskies eyes not match?
Long ago, there was an evil emperor that lived near a family of huskies. He hated how thier eyes were such a lovely blue. He had one green eye and one brown eye like a huskies are now. Then one day the huskie mother came to his door and asked for some sugar politely and then batted her eyes because she had something in them and he thought she was doing it to show off her beutiful eyes. So the next day when she and her family came over for the good nieghbors banquet he made a witch doctor make thier eyes like his. The emperor the made the witch doctor take the color he had drained from the huskies eyes into his. When the witch doctor did this it drained the color from every huskies eyes and all thier eyes were the colors green and brown. Then the color blue in the emperor's eyes was so powerful it made his entire body blue and scared all his citizens run away in fear that the emperor was a monster or a ghost and now his ghost is trying to fix what he did but without the witch doctor he can not change it or cross over.
-Ashley Benson-
Intresting blog this week.
Send follow-up comments to question-hotline.blogspot.com :D
what do people say that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow???
the rainbow never ends so we all know its not true!
they say dogs eat cat but what happens when a cat eat a dog
what dose moms and dads say you only have 32 teeth and shark have a lot more than that!!!!
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