This week's story is a humorous fiction, with a young boy helping to safe a wedding. Have you ever been to a wedding? What is the funniest thing you have witnessed at a wedding? I went to a wedding a few weeks ago and the pastor asked the groom if he took Tabitha as his husband. Everyone stood looking at each other for the long second before the pastor realized what she had said. Everyone cracked up and then went on with the corrected vows.
I have been to several weddings, but I have never had anything memorable happen. I will stick with formal weddings, they may not be as funny, but usually the bride and groom feel a lot better if everything goes well.
Yes, I know that I am boring!
i never ever been to a wedding but if i would it would be funny something just went wrong sometimes
ive went to sevral weddings and ive never seen anything happen thats funny that i no of i would like to go to another wedding and see somthing go wrong!!!
I've been to severl weedings and have been a coupel .
The funnist thing i've ever seen was when the ring bear and flower girl were walking with there hands held the flower girl let go and the ring bear stoped in the middle of the weding and she went back to get him and he huged her and then kissed her
Ive went 2 a wedding before but nothing funny ever happend.:[
i have only been to one wedding and actually two funny things happened. First, during the wedding the flower girl got scared and wouldn't go down the aisle and her mom (the bride) had to go out there with her. Second, the bride tripped on her wedding dress and fell right into the cake . Everyone laughed but u could tell she was furious and ready to cry. She ran to the bathroom and didn't come out until most of the guests left. :D
the funniest thing i saw at a wedding was what i did .what happened was i was the flowergirl and i was walking down the aisle and i drpoed the basket and stop to pick up the petals and triped the bride and broke her her nose
i have been to one wedding.
nothing anything very interesting or humorous happened,but it the after party was very fun.
Ive been to One wedding in my life,But ive been to alot of wedding recptions.I never had anything funny happen.
Yes, my dad's cell phone rang when the bride was walking down the aisle.
I've been to weddings before.But I have not see any thing funny before.
I was at a wedding and the bride tripped down the isle and everyone started laughing and she cryed
yea my mom and dads i was 3 when they got married.nothing was really funny but i was 2 shy to walk down the asle so i walked down with my grandpa and mom and i danced with my mom and dad.
well i was a flower girl in my mom's wedding and i was up by the alter and my mom walk done and stood infrount of the man. my friend was sitting and whaching and she started to pick up the flower pedles and i stop the whole wedding just so she would stop picking them up i got in big trouble i was only 5 how was i going to know?!
the funniest thing that happened at
a wedding i`ve been to was the flower girls were walking down the aisle and one ran out of petals and started crying and she ran torwards the bride and bumped into her so the bride carried the flower girl down the aisle with her and then began the wedding.
also there was one time my cousin was getting married. My grandma was to be there but she couldn't find the church. so everyone was fliping out because she wasn't there the bride said lets wait longer to see if she comes but she went to the recipption because she could not find the church.then someone said what if she was in a crash so then they rushed through the wedding and they called to see if there where any crashes.so they went to the recipption to see if they could go diving aroud and find her they did when they got to where the recipption was to be.it was very funny:)
Yes my mom and dads wedding.I was the flower girl and i put all the flower close in a plie and people laguh.
I have been to multipule weddings. Some were for friends of the family's and some were for my family as well. Some of the funniest things happened at my cousin's weddings. For instance at my cousin Chance's wedding the bride and groom got into a food fight with the cake. I thought it was histerical!
-Ashley Benson-
P.S. Bright on Mrs.Bright!
I was at my Dad and evil stepmom's wedding and I was the flower girl and my older brother was the ringbear and he held the rings on the pillow and he threw out the flowers and I held the basket and waved with the other hand. All the people where giggleing, but I was only 5.
I've been to one wedding and that was my Uncle Aaron's wedding.Two things went wrong.First, my sister was the flower girl and I was the ring bear.When my sister was walking down the aisle she tripped.Then we went to go cut the cake,but my brother already ate some.
i think i was at a few when i was like 4 or 5 years old.but i have seen weddings go rong on funnest home videos like a girls dress on fire,falling,and when the vows were being said a cell phone went off!!i seen them on movies.
i never been to a wedding in my life
i went to a wedding.the pastor said to the wife do you take jamie to love and to hold and to clean his clothes.haha,so funny.
well i have been to 2 weddings that where halirious and 1 of them was at carlys uncle bubbys wedding and her uncle and my dad are like really good friends and me and carly took one of the cameras and we took a pic of someones pee and they developed them and they had no clue who took the pic so it was our little secret and the 2nd one was at one of my familys wedding and it was when my sister was little and my sister ran right into a table and she didnt know it and she hit her head right on the edge of it .
♥ mikhaela♥
I have never been to a wedding but if i go to one then something probally would be funny because alot of things happen that ur funny in my family.
i have been to many weddings and the funniest thing that happened is that the bride got so nervus that she forgot whose wedding it was.
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