Ok guys, summer is here but it continues to pour down the rain. I have been in the school 3 days this week and I think I am finished with the new room. Blue and gold everywhere. So much better then white in your face. Next week hubby is on vacation and no big plans so we will be working around here a few days. It just feels good doing house stuff on my time. I hope you all are having fun and doing something to keep you entertained. Let everyone know what's happening with you. Share you fun activities and summer blahs with us. <3>
my summer is going OK. I miss everyone alot. i can't wait for EFJH. I'm going to church camp next week , and i really can't wait at all! I still keep in contacts with all of my friends from East Park, whom i will never forget. My 6th grade year was the best year that i ever had. I made more friends than i ever did b4 and I became the person I am today. I'm very proud of myself, but everyday i keep striving to do better in everything that i do. I might be going on vacation to the beach so that will be fun. Playing the trumpet is going good , I'm getting better everyday. If anyone ever wants yo hang out over the summer please feel free to call me!
I just can't wait to come see you, you are going to make my day/week/month!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray for you a wonderful year!
I just checked my blog and saw your comment from July 30. Sorry I didn't leave a response sooner, but few readers leave comments.
I posted one for you this morning. Take care. :-) Charlie
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