Myths are a way to explain unexplainable situations about nature. Why is the opossum's tail hairless? Why do we have seasons? Why do mosquitoes buzz in peoples ears? Why don't penguins fly? Can you think of any other myths? Come up with a question and then explain why. for example... The opossum had a beautiful bushy tail. But He so very proud of it. He would spend his whole day brushing and grooming his beautiful bushy tail. While he did this all the other animals worked around taking care of gathering food. They had had enough. So, the came to the opossum and asked him to do one thing for them. He reluctantly agreed. They asked him to go to the sun and bring back some heat for them. He took off towards the sun flipping his tail around and showing it off. When he got too close to the sun he flipped his beautiful bushy tail and it caught fire from the flames of the sun. When it caught fire his whole tail fur singed off. And to this day when you see an opossum you will see a bare tail and mostly at night, because he is ashamed of his looks with out his beautiful bushy tail.