Sunday, August 30, 2009

Best Friend

In the stoty this week we see where a best friend puts his life on the line to save his friend. Just happenes that the best friend is a dog. Have you ever had a best friend that wasn't a person? What can you do and say around him that you can't around your people friends?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

summer blues

Ok guys, summer is here but it continues to pour down the rain. I have been in the school 3 days this week and I think I am finished with the new room. Blue and gold everywhere. So much better then white in your face. Next week hubby is on vacation and no big plans so we will be working around here a few days. It just feels good doing house stuff on my time. I hope you all are having fun and doing something to keep you entertained. Let everyone know what's happening with you. Share you fun activities and summer blahs with us. <3>

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lady Liberty

Standing tall in New York harbor is a lady who represents freedom and fresh beginnings. She is named, The Statue of Liberty. She has greeted many immigrants as they enter America for the very first time. How would you feel when you see her as you are ending your long journey to a new land?

Monday, April 20, 2009


I had the privileged of going into a Mayan village few years ago. I love the people that I visited with and got to know really well. The only barrier was the language. I could not speak Cital and they could not speak English. After a few days it became a game to try to figure out what the other was trying to say. How would you communicate to someone who could not speak your language?

Monday, April 13, 2009

All American

It's difficult to be accepting of others customs, sometimes. Some countries' natives think it is ok to burp in public, or slurp your soup. Do we have any customs that would be weird to others?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ancient Greece

Research, and find items and customs we still use from ancient Greece. You may use your reading book.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I hope you have heard the saying "Chasing Windmills". It means that you are trying to get something that is not really there. This comes from a character who thought the windmills were giants and was afraid to approach them. Have you ever had a time in your life when you were "chasing windmills"? examples: wanting to do something you were too young to do, wanting an expensive item you can't afford, wanting to live with mom or dad and can't pick yet, wanting to be what you aren't...